Working with you to foster a strong safety culture through mentorship and commitment.
Randy G. Martin has over 30 years of heavy industrial construction, operational facilities and mining experience. I have gained a vast amount of knowledge from industry best practices, standards and proven methods of some of the world’s largest corporations and have used that knowledge and experience to develop an HSE&S program that continually improves both contractor and worker HSE&S performance, raising the bar a little higher each day. A HSES program is like riding a bike, "if you're not peddling, you're going downhill".
On Site Health Safety & Environment management
- Mentoring and Providing Tools for Contractor Success
- Proactive Strategy's HSSE Campaigns
- Leading / Lagging Indicator Assessing
- Testing SMS Performance
- Fostering HSES Culture
- Project Level HSES SMS Development
- Cold Eye Review
- Gap Analysis

Auditing Services
Rosalie Martin is an experienced NCSO and COR auditor with a diverse multi industry background. With her expertise the audit process is conducted in a timely, efficient, and professional manner with consideration for the clients work schedules, budgets and maximizing the audits value. Rosalie conducts audits with a focus on ensuring that compliance is being met rather than an approach of trying to prove that it isn’t.
Our specialties include:
- ACSA external and internal COR audits
- ISO 4501 and ISO 19011 compliant audit
- Pre-audit attesting for obtaining initial COR approval
- All audits are completed and submitted for ACSA approval while onsite.